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賣家千萬別小看訂單缺陷率,ODR是反應(yīng)賣家能否提供一個良好的買家購物體驗(yàn)的非常重要的一個指標(biāo),這個指標(biāo)千萬不要超過1%,如果超過了1%對賬戶安全是很不利的,嚴(yán)重時亞馬遜甚至?xí)徍四愕牡赇伝蛘咭瞥匿N售權(quán)限(Order defect rate is the key measure of your ability to provide a good customer experience )


最近我的賬戶就由于訂單缺陷率不達(dá)標(biāo)(兩個A-Z索賠,當(dāng)然還有就是單量不多,所以兩個索賠占的百分比也是有1.59%), 第二天一早來上班,



1. 首先告訴他我的賬戶哪幾個單影響績效不達(dá)標(biāo)的,并對此深表歉意。


Recently i received 2 buyers' complaints about have not received their orders (Order ID : and ), and we confirmed shipment of an order (Order ID: ) before actually sending it. Both of these cause my account performance does not reach Amazon standards. I sincerely feel sorry about it.


I believe there are two main reasons cause this happened:

1. As for confirmed shipment of an order before actually sending it. We have no stock in our office when buyer place an order, but we must confirm shipment within 2 days (valid time), it cause we fill in the Tracking number to confirm shipments before sending orders.

2. As for buyers have not received their orders. it is because we choose a poor logistics partner, they couldn't update tracking information in time. Second, we confirm shipments before sending orders, so it will delay some days to arrive at buyers.

3. 接下來也是最重要的一點(diǎn),針對問題的行動計(jì)劃。一定要表達(dá)自己的決心,之后會怎么做。

個人覺得最好用 decide 這個詞來表達(dá)較好,當(dāng)然只是個人意見,畢竟可能有更好的表達(dá)方式。


Plan of Action:

We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:

1. We decide to ready some stocks in our office, it will help us send orders in time and confirm shipments when we really sending them. then urgent our express partner to update tracking information in time to solve confirmed shipment of an order before actually sending it.

2. We decide to choose a reliable shipping method which can suitable sending to USA(ePacket and FEDEX), not only the speed but valid tracking is priority to help buyers have a good experience of shopping in our store. also if buyer couldn't received item within valid time, we will contact them and send item to buyer again by FREE.

In a words, we promise will not appear these complains in future and decide to try our best to make buyers feel satisfied during shopping.


Besides, we decide to arrange and complete listing(including expend shipment time and shipment method), also i have some new plans to operation my store, i want to change shipment method become FBA, in order to improve Customer shopping experience.

Looking forward to receiving your reply.

Thank you so much!




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