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例一:L型書桌產(chǎn)品描述:“If you have space limitations, the compact ‘L’ desk is a great alternative(如果你的房間空間有限,那么L型桌子能非常好的解決你的空間問題)”。

例二:勃朗寧折刀:“We are always looking for knives with unusual locks, especially those that seem to offer a better way of releasing the lock. This knife from Browning fits that bill(我們一直在尋找?guī)в歇毺氐舵i的折刀,特別是刀刃可以更順利開合的,而這款勃朗寧折刀真好滿足了這一需求)”。



例一:麥克風(fēng)描述:“Singers absolutely love the sound of this mic! Speakers love the depth and clarity it gives their voice!(歌手們、演講者們都會愛上這個麥克風(fēng)發(fā)出的聲音,深沉而清晰)?!?

例二:堅果描述:“Nut lovers and tin collectors rejoice. We’ve packed a Great Pumpkin design tin with 6 smaller tins of honey roast peanuts, pistachios, spicy peanuts, cashews, fancy mixed nuts and smoked almonds(堅果愛好者和罐頭收集者們可以嗨起來了。我們準備了一個很棒的南瓜型罐頭,里面放了6個小罐子,分別放了烤花生、開心果、花生、腰果、混合堅果和熏杏仁)”。



例一:服裝描述:“Thirty years ago, we introduced a warm, double-layer shirt inspired by the ones north-woods log drivers wore to stay warm through long, damp days working on the river (30年前,我們推出了一款溫暖的雙層襯衫,襯衫的靈感,來自北方森林原木司機工作時為了抵御漫長潮濕天氣穿的那種保暖襯衫)”。

例二:雨傘描述:“Originally developed by an awning manufacturer, the heavy-duty 6-oz. cotton also resists wind and will repel the moisture of a light drizzle(這款產(chǎn)品是一個雨篷制造商開發(fā)的,采用了6盎司的棉花,放風(fēng)又防雨)”。



例一:“This year, our wind-tunnel tested Slice Aero frame is 50 grams lighter than last year(今年經(jīng)過優(yōu)化,我們的Slice Aero框經(jīng)風(fēng)動測試,比之前輕了50克)” 。

例二:“Before now, it was very expensive to print full-color, professional-quality album inserts in quantities less than 300. Those days are over. Now you can get beautiful album inserts that won’t break your budget!(過去全彩印專業(yè)品質(zhì)的相冊價格非常貴,但現(xiàn)在你可以得到非常漂亮的相簿,價格絕對不會超過你的預(yù)算)”。



例:“Seven just became your lucky number. Don’t believe in luck? You will after you get your hands on this sensational snack collection [It has seven ingredients.](7會成為你的幸運數(shù)字。這款小吃有7種成分,得到它會給你帶來好遠)”。


例一:“You’ll find yourself reaching for them any time the weather turns chilly(你會發(fā)現(xiàn)只要天氣變冷,你就會不自覺的需要它)”。

例二:斜紋棉布褲:“When the weather calls for shorts but the occasion doesn’t, these lightweight chinos are an ideal alternative(天氣轉(zhuǎn)熱但你想去的場合又不適合穿短褲怎么辦?這款輕薄的斜紋棉布褲是你理想的選擇)。”

例三:“Perfect for rewarding a team for a job well done or top performers for contributing the most to the company’s annual profits(如果你的團隊在這一年度表現(xiàn)很棒,那么買這款產(chǎn)品獎勵你的團隊成員再合適不過了)”。


例:“The look of real wood without the maintenance, thanks to a durable scratch- and stain-resistant laminate finish (歸功于產(chǎn)品所采用的疊層加工工藝,人們能再欣賞產(chǎn)品實木外觀的同時,無需擔(dān)心日常的劃痕或污漬問題)”。


例:“These pants may look like wool, but they’re actually made of ultra-soft cotton for itch-free comfort all season long(這條褲子看起來像羊毛的,但實際上是用超柔軟的棉花制成,能給你帶了一整個冬季的舒適感,并且你還可以免受羊毛帶來的瘙癢)”。


例:“Combines elegance with the durability, versatility and functionality needed by today’s office(產(chǎn)品將優(yōu)雅的風(fēng)格與現(xiàn)代辦公室所需要的耐用性、通用性和功能性結(jié)合在了一起,外觀和實際需要都得到了滿足)”。


例:“The rich bison leather of our finest hands ewns will remind you of the classic hunting lodges of the past, as will the timeless comfort of their hand-stitched construction(我們的產(chǎn)品是用野牛皮手工縫制的,野牛皮的質(zhì)感讓人不禁聯(lián)想到叢林的狩獵時光,細致手工縫制針腳將給你帶來永恒的舒適感)”。


例一:“We’ve worked with Smith Optics to create a pair of polarized sunglasses with the best features for outdoor sports at a terrific price(我們與Smith Optics公司合作,共同為戶外運動愛好者們打造了一幅功能非常強大的偏光太陽鏡,而且價格非常優(yōu)惠)”。

例二:“We worked with traditional European shoemakers to design high-quality clogs that provide natural, lasting comfort – at a great price(我們與歐洲的傳統(tǒng)制鞋商合作,設(shè)計出高質(zhì)量的厚底木屐,為消費者提供自然、持久的舒適感,而且鞋子價格非常美麗)”。


例一:“You can even leave the center pole at home and simply hang the center peak of the tent from a limb for a lightweight spike camp(你甚至可以把帳篷中心的柱子放在家里,在野外的時候直接把帳篷掛在樹枝上,就可以搭建你的小天地了)”。

例二: “The durable style of Ambience allows you to start small and add pieces as your office changes(良好且持久的風(fēng)格允許你隨著辦公室的變化,慢慢添置新物件)”。


例一:“This is so universally useful that you will want one in your desk drawer, one for your hunting gear and of course one in the tool drawer in your kitchen(你在很多地方都會用得到它,你會想書桌抽屜里、狩獵工具袋里、廚房工具抽屜里都放一個)”。

例二:“Our gift certificates can dissolve your holiday shopping dilemmas in a moment, since they’re good for any of our pampering services for women or men. Buy ten at a time and we’ll even give you a 5% discount off the total dollar value(我們的禮券可以在瞬間解決你的假日購物難題,因為我們的禮券適用于所有用戶,您每購買10樣產(chǎn)品,還能得到5%的折扣)”。


例一:“Just unroll this portable multipurpose blanket anywhere your adventures take you (不論你到哪里,只要展開這款便攜式多功能毛毯就可以使用了)”。

例二:“A simple tap illuminates the clock for night viewing(只要輕敲一下,就能打開時鐘的夜視模式)”。


例一:“It’s called Simplicity for a reason — simple to order, simple to assemble and simple to expand as your needs grow (它之所以叫做‘Simplicity’是因為這款產(chǎn)品從訂購到組裝、擴展都非常簡單)”。

例二:“The name [Comfort Mocs] says it all — we’re sure you’ll agree just as soon as you slip on a pair(產(chǎn)品之所以叫做‘Comfort Mocs’,相信只要你穿上它就能理解了)”。


例一:“Not as reliable as the Professional Premium, but has a good frequency response. Good for voice and limited music duplication(雖然無法與專業(yè)設(shè)備相提并論,但也擁有非常優(yōu)良的頻率響應(yīng),非常適合錄音)”。


例一:“Because this set is made in B?ker’s factory in Argentina which is experiencing a terrible economic situation, the price is extremely good(這款設(shè)備是在位于阿根廷的工廠生產(chǎn)的,那邊經(jīng)濟形勢嚴峻,因而價格良好)”。

例二:“Our Friday lunchtime special massage costs just $20 because the massage therapists in that time slot are students in their final 100 hours of training(我們周五午餐時間的按摩費用只需20美元,因為在那個時間段的按摩師是學(xué)生)”。


(編譯/雨果網(wǎng) 吳小華)



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