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Government confirms plans to introduce import controls 英國政府確認將實施進口管制


Government confirms plans to introduce import controls 英國政府確認將實施進口管制

Today, the government has confirmed plans to introduce import controls on EU goods at the border after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.


Today, the government has confirmed plans to introduce import controls on EU goods at the border after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.  


We are leaving the EU’s customs union and single market, taking back control of our borders, and beginning to strike trade deals around the world. 


In a speech today by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster at a Border Delivery Group stakeholder event, he confirmed all UK exports and imports will be treated equally. This will mean traders in the EU and GB will have to submit customs declarations and be liable to goods’ checks. He also confirmed that the policy easements put in place for a potential no deal exit will not be reintroduced as businesses have time to prepare. 

蘭開斯特公爵郡大臣于2020年2月10日在Border Delivery Group機構(gòu)的利益相關(guān)者活動上發(fā)表講話時確認,所有英國進出口將受到平等對待。這意味著歐盟和英國的貿(mào)易商將必須進行海關(guān)申報,并且有義務(wù)接受貨物檢查。他還證實不會再引進為了潛在的無條件強制脫歐而制定的政策地役權(quán),因為企業(yè)有時間做好準備。

There are a number of reasons for implementing import controls: 

· to keep our borders safe and secure so we know who’s coming in and how often, what they are bringing in, and why

· to ensure we treat all partners equally as we begin to negotiate our own trading arrangements with countries around the world

· to collect the right customs, VAT and excise duties

· the EU has said it will enforce checks on our goods entering the Eurozone. We will likewise enforce our own rules for goods entering the UK 


1. 保證英國的邊界安全,從而能了解到進口貨物到英國的是誰、進口原因、頻率以及所進口的貨物是什么。

2. 確保平等對待所有合作伙伴,因為英國開始與世界各國談判關(guān)于本國的貿(mào)易相關(guān)安排

3. 收取適當?shù)年P(guān)稅、進口增值稅和消費稅

4. 歐盟已經(jīng)表示,將對英國的貨物進入歐元區(qū)實施檢查。同樣,英國將對進入本國的貨物執(zhí)行英國自己的規(guī)則。

Business can prepare for border controls by making sure they have an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number, and also looking into how they want to make declarations such as using a customs agent. We will ensure facilitations currently available to rest of the world traders will also be open to those trading between GB and EU. 


The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove said: 

The UK will be outside the single market and outside the customs union, so we will have to be ready for the customs procedures and regulatory checks that will inevitably follow. 

As a result of that we will be in a stronger position, not just to make sure that our economy succeeds outside the European Union but that we are in a position to take advantage of new trading relationships with the rest of the world. 


This morning HMRC extended the deadline for businesses to apply for customs support funding to 31 January 2021. To date, applications have been made for around £18.5 million out of a possible £26 million – meaning there is at least £7.5 million left to claim from HMRC. 



This is aimed at GB/EU traders. This approach does not apply to the flow of trade between Northern Ireland and Ireland, or between Northern Ireland and GB. 





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