1. IstheReceiver Collar waterproof? Yes, the Receiver is fully waterproof
2. Is the Remote Transmitter waterproof? No, the Remote Transmitter must be kept away from water 3.How long can I continuously deliver Vibration or Static Shock to my pet? The max amount of time you can deliver the Vibration or Static Shock to you dog continuously is 10 seconds.Then the remote will go to protection mode. 4. What should I do if my dog’s neck becomes red and irritated? Stop using the product immediately for at least 48 hours. If the condition persists beyond 48 hour please consult your veterinarian. 5. Can I attach a leash to the Receiver collar? No, this can result in pulling the contact points to tightly against your dog’s neck. Use a separate collar when needed 6. When should I recharge the Transmitter and Receiver Unit? Remote Transmitter: The low battery symbol will appear at the bottom of the LCD screen.
Receiver Collar:The blue LED will be fast blinking when the power is low